Idaho Forest Owners Association
2024 Patrons and Sponsors
The Idaho Forest Owners Association is a non-profit membership corporation supported by the membership fees of loyal private forest landowners across the state of Idaho. Membership dues make it possible for IFOA to carry out our mission and objectives (see the About Us page).
Each year, a special group of members step up to contribute over and above their membership dues to further support IFOA. These members are our Patrons who contribute at the Gold ($500 or more), Silver ($250 - $499) or Bronze ($100 – $249.99) level. We would like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank our Patron members.
Richard Cooper & Jan Tennant
G. Kirk & Madeline David
Inland Forest Management
J. Stephen & Janet I. Funk
Steven & Ann George
Gordon & Cindy Harnasch
Gale Akers
Jeff Connaway
Marianna Groth
Marrion E. Newsam Banks
Allen & Carol Naugle
William & Mary Robinette
Each year the Idaho Forest Owners Association in cooperation with the US Forest Service, the Idaho Department of Lands, the University of Idaho, and the Idaho Tree Farm Program organize and stage two major educational events -- the Family Forest Landowners & Managers Conference in March and the Forest Owners Field Day in June. These events would not be possible without the support of our event sponsors and advertisers.
Please patronize and/or participate in the services and products they provide to assist you in your forest stewardship objectives.
Forest Econ, Inc.
Idaho Farm Bureau Insurance - Speakman Agency
Idaho Soil & Water Conservation Commission
Odenwald Forestry
S & A Wood Specialties